
Wednesday, October 29, 2014


An updated blog will always attract the search engines based upon the fact they love fresh content. In most cases if the blog update contains information that is relevant to the platform theme and is properly optimized your rankings will increase. It therefore stands to reason that the more frequent the updates the higher the rankings. On the other hand however the success of your site actually depends upon people returning. It does not seem however that reader loyalty is based so much upon frequent blog posting as it is upon the quality of the content or the overall atmosphere the site presents! It therefore would seem to make sense to invest more time in trying to create a community like atmosphere to make visitors more comfortable and compelled to return. This of course would take time away from your blog posting thereby making your updates less frequent. Can this strategy work? 

Here are 3 undeniable benefits for both the readers and site owner that can be experienced with a less frequent blog posting schedule. 

Dispense Better Information 

Most bloggers are in such a rush to keep up with a fast and frequent posting schedule that it is easy to understand how content quality can be compromised. Being able to spend more time composing a blog update allows for more research and therefore better information gets posted to the site. This can be expected with a decrease in the frequency of updates! 

Chance to Develop Relationships 

It is easy to get so caught up in continually creating new content and overlook the reason for why you are blogging which is the people who visit your site! By easing back on your posting frequency you have more time to respond to comments directed at you and to interact with others on the platform. In this way you are better able to give the platform a 'face' by being more social and sharing your opinions in ongoing conversions. This helps you create a community in which everybody feels more included and has a chance, if they choose, to participate in any discussions. 

Learn From Readers 

Remember the relationships you are nurturing as mentioned above? Well hopefully you are also listening to what it is your readers are saying so you can use their input to better create a community more to their liking. Whether it is your layout or perhaps the direction people may want you to take with the next blog update listen to their opinions since everybody has got one! 

A frequently updated blog will certainly help to boost your search engine rankings if done correctly but the question is how much of a factor it plays in winning reader loyalty. People no doubt like to read new content but it seems their preference is more towards the quality of the blog update more than the frequency of them! In fact people also have a need for a site that is as welcoming as it is informative and these are 2 leading factors that compel them to return. By investing more time in trying to create a community like atmosphere and focusing more on the people who visit the site a blogger stands a better chance of gaining reader loyalty. The 3 benefits discussed above can result from an infrequent blog posting schedule provided more time is dedicated towards developing better content and a cozier blogging platform for visitors.

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