
Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Learning how to build a blog website is much easier than a lot of web site developer would have you believe. In fact, it's become so easy, that I would venture to guess that a lot of the smaller site developers may be hurting for work right now, if not in the near future. 

This is because technology has evolved to the point where site construction using a blogging platform is essentially "turnkey" and requires little or no technical knowledge whatsoever. What used to be hours and hours of coding is essentially now a few mouse clicks, and your blog is installed. 

1.) To Host or Not To Host? - If you are looking to set up your own blog, you have to first buy a domain name. You can buy a domain name from anywhere (I would recommend staying away from Go Daddy). Make sure you do your appropriate keyword research before buying the domain name. Once you purchase it, you have the ability to host it with hosting service you choose. 

If you select a domain name and choose to go with a site that offers free hosting, like or Blogger, be aware you may have restrictions as to what content you can place on your site. While that option is free, it presents problems if you plan to use the site for affiliate sales. 

Recommendation: Host your own site; buy your own domain name. 

Cost: Less than 15 dollars 

2.) Pick your Platform- There was a time when blogs were really just for blogging. Yeah...well, that time is over. The reason why is that blogs are so versatile, different and flexible that they can essentially be used is customizable websites that have everything you need. 

Some examples of this are WordPress, Blogger and others like Joomla that are actually not blogging platforms but known as Content Management. The good part, they are almost universally free, or have a free option. 

Recommendation: Use Wordpress with your own hosting service 

Cost: Hosting, approx 8-10 bucks per month. Hosting on Wordpress or Blogger is free. 

3.) People like Pictures- Contrary to what your English teacher in 5th grade may have told you, the pictures count as much or more than the words on your site. The pictures are what pull people in to actually read your content. 

So the content matters, but it won't get people to stop from hitting the back button on its own. Why? Because the internet is a highly visual medium and people get intimidated and downright depressed when they see large chunks of text on the page. Consider video, pictures and the use of whitespace to break up any visual monotony on your page 

Recommendation: Free Icon and Clipart is everywhere online. Do a Google Search and load up! 

Cost: Free 

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