
Thursday, October 30, 2014


Making business decisions online often needs to be done fairly quickly due to the dynamic nature of the internet environment. When working online any number of things can change literally overnight due to consumer demand, changes in rules and regulations or even new internet business opportunities. Most successful online businesses need to make a quick determination as to how they are going to address any changes or approach any new opportunities that show promise. In order to do so certain 'criteria' needs to be considered to enable them to make the best decision possible. 

Here are 3 common 'costs' that most successful online businesses will consider when investigating any new opportunities or how to address any new changes. 


What is the profit potential or benefits to be gained by taking on any new internet business opportunities as opposed to the cost involved? These considerations are always the first step taken in determining if any more effort or attention is to be invested. Obviously if the costs outweigh the benefits you simply walk away. 

In regards to any industry or regulatory changes how do they affect your current business situation? What if any measures needed to be taken to address the situation or conform to the changes 

Degree of Difficulty 

With any changes and/or opportunities most successful online businesses will carefully weigh the degree of difficulty involved. In either case there may exist the need to learn new skills therefore it must be determined as to whether the effort required is worth the aggravation. If it is very difficult it can easily lead to stress and anxiety which can alter your ability to think clearly thereby affecting the outcome and your health. This is something that always needs to be considered. 

In regards to pursuing income earning possibilities sometimes it is simply better to pass on them since your time and effort may be better spent elsewhere! And speaking of time ... 

Time Consumption 

What is the expected amount of time that will be invested to complete the functions, tasks, projects or to address the changes? Is it worth it in terms of the time it will take away from other current endeavors? As we all have learned time is money and there is only a finite amount of it available so we need to use it wisely when working online! 

Making business decisions when working online often needs to be done quickly because the internet is a very dynamic environment! Most successful online businesses have adopted certain standard criteria or 'costs' that are scrutinized before decisions are made. These cost as reviewed above are generally associated with any regulatory changes or internet business opportunities. Having identified them in advance serves to simplify and expedite the decision making process while also minimizing any risk involved as it pertains to money or time. After all time is money, money is profit and profit is the driving force behind most successful online businesses!

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